New Albany Elks Lodge 270 Hall Rental

The Hall at the New Albany Elks Lodge is available for members to rent.

  • The hall comfortably holds up to 100 people seated if the dance floor is not being used.
  • 75 people seated if dance floor is used.
  • Included are tables and chairs and a dance floor.
  • Food, beverages, and alcoholic beverages along with bartender are available.  See form below for pricing.

Chef Dave has a variety of menu items to choose from.  All exquisitely freshly prepared for your event and served by our staff. 


If you have additional questions, we’ll be happy to answer any. call the Lodge at (812) 945-8111 or email Lo***@Ne***********.org

Jeff and I had my parents 50th wedding anniversary party at the Elks in April and it was amazing!  Debbie and Chef Dave and team took wonderful care of us. Everyone had a fabulous time and the food was delicious! 


New Albany Elks Lodge 270 Hall Rental Agreement

Discount pricing will be provided to all current, active members with dues paid for the current year. When renting the hall, the member named MUST be present during times rented. If the member is not present, the party using the hall will be responsible for paying non-member fees.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Event Start Time(Required)
Event Setup Time(Required)
Price: $5.00
TERMS: No outside alcohol can be brought into the Lodge. The Lodge’s licensed bartenders must to use during the event Must be 21 or older to purchase alcohol No food is allowed to be brought into the Lodge. All food purchases must go through Chef Dave.
I accept the terms and conditions of this agreement.(Required)
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY